single reservoir

single reservoirsingle reservoir
  1. The method can be used for single reservoir and groups of reservoirs .


  2. An Optimized Control Method for Single Reservoir


  3. Risk Analysis of Flood Relief of Single Reservoir


  4. Algorithm solution model of Single reservoir and reservoir group are separately designed and realized by reservoir storage capacity discretization .


  5. Actual results correspond to the single reservoir production practice , the test oil yield and the single-in-terval test results .


  6. It also provides facility to combine disk subsystems from multiple vendors into a single reservoir of capacity that can be managed from a single point .


  7. This paper is concerned with the method of single reservoir optimal operation using Progressive Optimality Algorithms , Dynamic Programming and Large System Decomposition and Cooperation as well as Genetic Algorithms .


  8. This paper constructs a " single reservoir spatial distributive framework within series of strata " using evaluation pattern according to structural hierarchy , and predicts the single sand body .


  9. To deal with these issues , the optimum operation decision principle method of Inter-basin Water Transfer System are presented based on promotion of advantages and flood control continuous operation style in single reservoir .


  10. This article formulates the flood control solution of single reservoir , the process of controlling flood , solution study-out and priority of joint flood-prevention control in reservoir group , etc.


  11. The diScrete stochastic dynamic progamming modle with Objective function of minimizing operatiOn measure for determining optimal operating policies of multipurpose single reservoir system has been discussed here with a example .


  12. Results show that , it is rational to adopt the dynamic capacity coefficient as interbasin water transfer control condition . Joint water supply dispatching can increase water supply of reservoir than single reservoir operation .


  13. Forward modelling of single reservoir layer in a homogeneous half-space and multi-layer hydrocarbon targets in bedded media has been given higher priority . The results are of significant meaning to practical production .


  14. Since the fact that the reservoir inflow is known in term of scheduling , the problem need directly and distinctly be replied . The model is the deterministic optimize scheduling model of single reservoir .


  15. Guangxi reservoir hydrologic work is difficult in recent years . There are many problems , such as wanting specialized people , unconscionable survey station layout , incomplete survey programmer , late materials management and single reservoir hydrologic work , etc.


  16. Finally , reverse the neural network of each stage to get the sequence of optimal value . ( 4 ) The intelligent algorithm for a kind of stochastic dynamic programming applies to the optimal scheduling of a single reservoir . The decision set will get by each stage .


  17. The mathematic model of fuzzy-weight nonlinear programming applied in planning of the single multiple-purpose reservoir


  18. With the use of Matlab software and multiple linear regressions statistical analysis , we get the evaluation model for the productivity of single well reservoir .


  19. As gas well is the foundation unit of gas field development , it is very important to analyse and discuss the single well reservoir for stable gas supply and high efficiency development .


  20. A multi layer reservoir may have a pressure behavior different from that of a single layer reservoir , and objective of well test analysis is to obtain individual layer permeability and skin factors .


  21. In addition , the point source function of non Newtonian exponential flow in single fractal reservoir and the uniform flux solution of the finite conductivity vertical fracture well are obtained .


  22. If each unit is regarded as a single linear reservoir , according to their geographic data , and without the history of observed data , the complex parameters of this model basin can be obtained .


  23. This paper has analyzed several basic problems in the engineering thermodynamics course especially , including the conception of spontaneous course 、 balanceable state , and the issue of temperature summing 、 single heat reservoir thermodynamic cycle .


  24. Starting with single well reservoir classification and correlation , the deposition model is firstly developed , and then detailed reservoir calibration , multiwell constraint seismic inversion and porosity constraint inversion are conducted , based on the well logs correction and the wavelet analysis .


  25. Research on the Long-Term Optimal Operation of Single Hydropower Plant Reservoir by Considering Peak-and-Valley Point Electricity Rates Difference


  26. According to the need of the study establish two types of scheduling model , that is , a single water supply reservoir optimal operation model and reservoir ( s ) joint water supply optimal operation model .


  27. In one single well , reservoir physical properties in abandoned channel are the best and hydrocarbon productivity is the highest , the second is in filling channel , and the relatively poor are in progradational channel and overflow channel .


  28. Application of Single Well Data in Reservoir Evaluation


  29. When bottom hole flowing pressure ( BHFP ) is higher than saturation pressure , oil flows in single phase in the reservoir .


  30. Reservoir description has been developed from description of single structured attitude of reservoir and prediction of reservoir parameters to building 3 D structural model of reservoir , reservoir model and geologic model of reservoir ;
